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Book Clubs by Maktaba Books

To encourage and foster the love of reading and learning, we organise and run 2 book clubs. One of the book clubs is done in collaboration with Wardah Books and the other is with The National Library Board of Singapore. 

How it works is that we announce a book we will cover and open registrations for participants to join for free. On the event day, we all come together to discuss the book — share and listen to each other’s learnings, perspectives, and favourite parts of the book.

Since most of our participants are new to book clubs; we focus on keeping sessions lighthearted, comfortable, and fun. We want to make reading and learning be more social rather than an individual activity.

Participants don’t have to always contribute, if you’re more of a listener, you’re still welcome. The only criteria we have is that you have read the book or have read a portion of the book.

Follow our Instagram or join our Telegram Channel to stay updated on the next book club.

Perks of joining our book clubs

  • Learn and hear about different perspectives of the same book
  • Discuss a book of any kind through the lens of a Singaporean
  • Get a form of accountability to finish a book
  • Meet awesome like-minded people, and have deep discussions with other awesome people who may not agree with you

Who can join?

  • Everyone is welcome – all genders & beliefs
  • To contribute meaningfully to the discussions, you would need to read the book
  • However, you don’t need to finish the whole book to listen in and join the sessions